Presentation and Book Signing
Fitton Center for the Arts
Monday, June 16, 6-8 pm
Today the artist David Macaulay will be conducting an artist presentation and signing books at the Fitton Center for the Arts. Macaulay is famous both for his work as an author, illustrator, and expert of architecture and design. He originally hails from Lancashire, England and is an alumnus and faculty at the Rhode Island School of Design.
He has written a number children's fiction books about the construction and creation of certain historical architectural phenomena. This includes Cathedral, which explains the way ancient Gothic Cathedrals were erected using a fictitious Gothic Cathedral. He employs this similar techniques of explaining the way historical architectural structures were built in his books City, about a Roman city; and Aberwyvern Castle, about a Medieval castle. He has also written Pyramid, about Egyptian pyramids; Mill; about the New England mills; and Unbuilding, about the hypothetical dismantling of the Empire State Building to be re-erected in Asia. There is also the self-explanatory Mosque and Underground, a series of books which explains foundations, support structures, and underground water and sewer pipes are built.
His books are terribly interesting and it would be great to hear the process behind his genius creations as well as obtain a signed copy of one or more of his works. This would also, obviously, be a great event to bring children to. These books also offer a straightforward way for adults to understand the incredible way in which great works of architecture were constructed.
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