CAM's Seperate Sphere

(above: a dress designed by Charles Frederick Worth for Elizabeth of Austria, Franz Xavier Winterhalter, 1865)

Disrobing the Victorian Lady
12:00-1:00 pm, lecture in the Great Hall
1:00-2:00 pm, lunch at the Terrace Cafe
$20 for lecture and lunch ($18 for Women's Committee members)
$10 for lecture
Cincinnati Art Museum

If you were dismayed that you missed the CAM's "A Separate Sphere" exhibit in 2005/2006, you will be excited to learn that they are hosting a lecture about Victorian fashion this afternoon. Fashion Arts and Textiles Curator Cynthia Amneus will speak about the elaborate and fussy fashions of this era. As this was time of great sexual repression, dresses at this time also had to follow strict cultural conventions. If you have the day off it would be an excellent opportunity to learn about the unique fashions of this era (haute couture was started by Charles Frederick Worth at this time) and enjoy a fabulous lunch at the Terrace Cafe.

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